Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Me: Good morning!!

(awkward silence)

Me:  Oh dear... have I come to my senses?

My Reply to Myself: Sorry, but no, you are still talking to yourself. 

Me:  Oh well...  I hope someone shows up soon. 

Today it's all about knitting as promised!

So long story, short. 

I have made DH several scarfs over the years.  We were out a few weeks ago and I noticed (gasp!!!) a hole in his cashmere scarf, so darn, darn, darn...  That made me curious, and you know curiosity killed the cat.  I went to the coat closet and removed all the woolen scarves and began to examine them and you know I only found one other scarf that was math eaten.  Can I just say "Thank you GOD!!"

Let me insert here scarves have been hand laundered in gentle washing soap and sprayed with the essential oil lavender to ward off any more holes created by moths.

Back to the darning...  no matter how I darned, it showed, so I took a little snip at the bind off edge, unraveled and began to re-knit his cashmere scarf.  It is now complete and was worn just this weekend. 

Pictures of the recreation? 

My Reply to Myself:  Sorry, no.  Maybe another day.  I do however have pictures of the second woolen scarf I discovered with those pesky holes.

Me:  Did you snip it too?

My Reply to Myself:  Yep!  I sure did.  I knit a few different patterns before I finally decided, I would try the mistake rib stitch.  I tried several different needle sizes too, and I finally landed on US size 8, 5.0mm needles.  The yarn is a worsted weight wool.

Me:  I was telling this story...

My Reply to Myself: Excuse me!!  go right ahead...

Me:  I believe I will. 

I worked on the scarf yesterday and I took pictures to share with you too!!  That is if there is really a you out there lurking quietly so you won't be noticed. 

Like my said, I did try several different needle sized and stitch patterns before settling on the mistake rib stitch for this particular project.  I like the result of the US size 15, 10mm  needles, but not for a man's scarf.  I may think about ladies scarf using the  US size 15, 10mm needles, because it gave an airy, feel to the scarf and did not seem masculine at all.

So I finally settled on the US size 8, 5.0mm needles, for the worsted weight yarn in black for DH's new/re-knit scarf, because it yielded a heavier result that I believe will be warm and worn often.

Oops!  I said short and I am going on and on.  Let me get down to business.

Here is my pattern for this particular mistake rib scarf:

You will need:  US size 8, 5.0mm needles, your choice worsted weight yarn (the old scarf weighed ), and a yarn needle
Gauge:  Sts X Rows = 4 inches (not terribly important since this is a scarf)

Pattern stitch:
The mistake rib stitch  is a repeat of 4 stitches +1
K2, P2 across to last stitch, K1

NOTE: I slip the first stitch of each row because it seems to give a cleaner edge to the scarf.

Cast on 51 stitches

Row 1:  Sl1 as if to knit, K1, K2, *K2, P2* repeat from * to * to last stitch K1
Repeat Row 1 until your scarf is as long as you would like. 

I will update this post when I complete the scarf with more exacts.  Below are pictures of the scarf on the needles.


If you are looking for an easy to knit scarf that will be warm you might like to give this a try!

Hope you have a wonderful day today and find a few minutes to relax ans knit a few stitches.

See you tomorrow!


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